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Cellular Networks


        Below is a list of every country and the cellular mobile availability in that country by national networks. This list is compiled from information gathered as I spot them on my travels, and mostly by input from people sending me details from where they are. Therefore it may not be complete, but with your help it'll be as complete as can be.


Country City/Area Network type Network operator designator in service Contact Telephone

Albania GSM900 GSM of Albania (A M C MOBIL) 276-01 3/96

NMT900 Algerian PTT 12/89

American Samoa 800-AMPS Samoan Office of Communications 1987
GSM1900 Blue Sky Communications 7/99

Andorra 450-NMT STA 7/90
GSM900 STA - Mobiland 213-03 3/95 +376 824 115

Angola 800-AMPS Angola Telecom 2/94

Anguilla 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless 1995

Antigua 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular Ltd 12/89

Argentina 800-AMPS GTE 10/94
800-AMPS/TDMA MoviStar 3/93
800-AMPS/TDMA Telecom Argentina S.A. 3/96
800-CDMA Miniphone
800-NAMPS CRM Movicom 11/89

Armenia GSM900 ArmenTel - ARMGSM 283-01 12/96

Aruba 800-AMPS/TDMA Setar 1993
800-NAMPS Carribean Wireless Communications end-95

Australia AMPS800 Telecom Australia, Telstra 12/86
CDMA800 Telecom Australia, Telstra 7/99
GSM900 MobileNet - Telstra 505-01 4/93 + 61 18 01 8287
GSM900 Vodafone 505-03 9/93 + 61 2 9415 7232
GSM900 Yes Optus (BellSouth) 505-02 5/93 + 61 2 9342 6000

Austria GSM1800 One - Connect Austria 232 05 10/98 + 43 1 58187300
GSM1800 Tele.ring - 1012 PRIVAT 5/00
GSM900/1800 A1 mobilkom (PTV) 232-01 12/93 + 43 664 1661
GSM900/1800 Max.mobil 232-03 7/96 + 43 676 2000
TACS900 D-Netz - mobilkom (PTV) 7/90

Azerbaijan 900-TACS JV Bakcell 2/94
GSM900 Azercell GSM 400-01 12/96 + 994 12 98 30 11
GSM900 JV Bakcell GSM 2000 400-02 12/98

Bahamas 800-AMPS/TDMA BATELCO 1988

Bahrain GSM900 BATELCO - Mobile Plus 426-01 5/95 + 973 885557
TACS900 BATELCO - Bahrain Telecommunications Company 9/87

Bangladesh AMPS800 Bangladesh Telegraph 8/93
GSM900 Grameen Phone Ltd. 470-01 3/97
GSM900 ShebaWorld Telecom 9/98
GSM900 TM International 470-19 10/97
NMT900 Bangladesh Rural Telecom Authority

Barbados 800-AMPS BARTEL 1990
800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular 12/89

Belarus GSM900 VELCOM 4/99
NMT450 BelCel (US CommStruct) 4/93

Belgium GSM1800 KPN Orange 206-20 3/99
GSM900 Belgacom/Proximus (AirTouch) 206-01 1/94 + 32 2205 4912
GSM900 Mobistar 206-10 8/96 + 32 95 95 95 00

Belize 800-AMPS/800-TDMA Belize Telecom, Ltd. 1/93

Benin AMPS800 OPT 1995
GSM900 Spacetel Bénin 616-03 04/00 +229 31 66 41

Bermuda 800-AMPS/800-TDMA The Bermuda Telephone Company 2/87
AMPS800 Bermuda Digital Communications
CDMA Bermuda Digital Communications
GSM1900 Telecom Bermuda 11/00 +1 441 293 0550

Bolivia AMPS800 Telefonica Celular de Bolivia 11/91
DAMPS800/1800 (TDMA) ENTEL Móvil 2Q96

Bosnia Herzegovina GSM900 Digital Spacetel Srpska 9/99
GSM900 Eronet Mobile Communications Ltd 9/99
GSM900 GSMBIH - PTT BiH 218-90 10/96
GSM900 Mobitel Srpske 7/99

Botswana GSM900 Mascom Wireless 652-01 5/98
GSM900 Vista Cellular Pty (Ltd) 5/98

Brazil 800-AMPS CETERP 1993
800-AMPS CRT 1993
800-AMPS CTBC 1993
800-AMPS Teleceara 1994
800-AMPS Telegoias 1993
800-AMPS Telemig 1993
800-AMPS Telern 1994
800-AMPS Telesc 1993
800-AMPS Telest 1992
800-AMPS Telpe 1994
800-AMPS/TDMA Sercomtel 1993
800-DAMPS/TDMA(B) Americel 11/97
Amazon 800-AMPS TeleAmazon (CASC) +55 92 800 5151
Bahia 800-AMPS TeleBahia 1993
Brasilia 800-AMPS TeleBrasilia 1990
Para 800-AMPS TelePara 5/92
Rio de Janeiro 800-AMPS TeleRJ 8/90
Sao Paulo 800-AMPS TeleSP 8/93

Brunei AMPS800 DST Communications Pte Ltd 2/89
GSM Jabatan Telekom 528 01
GSM900 DST Communications Pte Ltd 528-11 9/93 +673 2 232 924

Bulgaria GSM900 M-TEL GSM - Citron, MobilTEL AG 284-01 9/95 + 359 88 500031
NMT450 Radio Telecommunications 12/93

Burkina Faso analog 1997?
GSM900 Onatel 12/96

Burma 800-AMPS Myanmar PTT 11/92

Burundi 800-AMPS Telecel-Burundi 9/93

Cambodia AMPS800 Cambodia Cellular
AMPS800 Camtel 10/92
GSM1800 Cambodia Shinawatra 4/98
GSM900 Cambodia Samart-GSM 456-02 4/99
GSM900 CamGSM - Mobitel 456-01 11/96 +855 12 800 800
NMT450 CamShin
NMT900 DPT/Casacom
unknown SingTel Cambodia

Cameroon GSM900 Dirtel 1994
GSM900 PTT Cameroon Cellnet 624 01 1993

Canada (D)AMPS800 Bell Cellular 7/85
AMPS800 Bell Mobility (Bell World)
AMPS800 Rogers Cantel (A-Band) 1/86
CDMA1900 (PCS) Clearnet
CDMA800/1900 Bell Mobility (Bell World)
CT2-Plus PCS Industry Canada 1994
DAMPS800 and multiple B-side carriers 1/86
GSM1900 Fido +1 514 983 3436
GSM1900 Microcell Connexions 302 37 12/96
TDMA800/1900 Cantel AT&T

Cape Verde GSM900 CVMOVEL - Cabo Verde Telecom 625-01 12/97

Cayman Islands 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless (W.I.) Ltd. 1987

Central African Republic ep AMPS TELECEL-CAR 1995

Chile AMPS/TDMA800 CTC Celular 3/89
AMPS/TDMA800 Startel (VTR 45% & CTC Celular 55%) 1996
AMPS800 CIDCOM (BellSouth) 5/89
AMPS800 Telecom Chile (Motorola, Entel) 6/91
AMPS800 VTR Telecommunications 1991
CDMA1900 Chilesat PCS 3/98
GSM1900 Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones S.A. 730-10 3/98
GSM1900 Entel Telefonia Movil S.A. 730-01 3/98

China AMPS/TDMA800/900 China Unicom 7/95
AMPS800 various PTA 1993
AMPS800 various regional carriers 1993
ETDMA800 Chengdu PTA 1994
GSM Liaoning PPTA 460 02
GSM900 China Telecom GSM 460 00 11/94
GSM900 China Unicom GSM 460 01 7/95
TACS900 various PTA 92/'93
TACS900 various regional carriers 89/'92
Hong Kong CDMA800 Hutchison Telecom (Motorola) 6/85
Hong Kong GSM P Plus Comm SMC PCS 454-22
Hong Kong GSM Pacific Link 454-18
Hong Kong GSM1800 New World PCS 454-10 12/97
Hong Kong GSM1800 Peoples Telephone 454-12 1/97
Hong Kong GSM1800 Sunday - Mandarin Comm 454-16 6/97
Hong Kong GSM900/1800 Cable & Wireless HKT Ltd. 454-00 7/93 +852 2888 1010
Hong Kong GSM900/1800 Orange - HK Hutchison Telecom 454-04 6/95 +852 2807 9033
Hong Kong GSM900/1800 SmarTone (McCaw) 454-06 1/93 +852 2880 2688
Hong Kong TDMA800 Pacific Link 10/92
Macau GSM900 TELEMOVEL+ - CTM 455-01 7/95 + 853 8913912
Macau TACS900 Compania de Telecom Macau 11/88

Colombia 800-AMPS/TDMA-A East: COMCEL S.A. 4/94
800-AMPS/TDMA-A North: CELCARIBE (millicom) 8/94
800-AMPS/TDMA-A West: OCCEL S.A. 1994
800-AMPS/TDMA-B West: COCELCO 7/94

Congo GSM900 African Telecom

Cook Island 800-AMPS PTT 10/96

Costa Rica AMPS/TDMA800 ICETel - Instituto Costarricense de Electridad 4/94
DCS1000 ICETel - Instituto Costarricense de Electridad

Croatia GSM900 Croatian PTT (Cronet) 219 01 7/95 + 385 14550772
GSM900 Vip-net 219 10 7/99
NMT450 Croatian PTT (Cronet) 10/90
NMT450 Tomsktelekom & Nicola Tesla

Cuba 800-AMPS Cubacel 2/93

Curacao 800-AMPS Setel Cellular 2/89

Cyprus GSM900 CYTAGSM - Cyprus Telecom Authority 280-01 4/95 +357 2 310588
NMT450 Cyprus Telecom Authority 12/88
North Cyprus GSM900 KELSIM KKTC
North Cyprus NMT450 Turkish Telecom (PTT)

Czech Republic GSM1800 Cesky Mobil
GSM900 Eurotel (Bell Atlantic/SPT) 230-02 7/96 + 42 2 6701 6701
GSM900 Paegas (RadioMobil) 230-01 9/96 + 42 603 603 603
NMT450 Eurotel (Bell Atlantic/SPT) 10/91

Dem. Rep. Congo 800-AMPS Express Communications 1994
800-AMPS TELECEL (Afrex International) 5/88
900-TACS Trans Global Telecom 1994
GSM900 Congolaise Wireless 7/99

Denmark GSM1800 Telia DK 238-20 6/97 +45 8010 1010
GSM1800 (DCS) Mobilix 238-30 12/97 + 45 8040 4080
GSM900 TDK-Mobil - Tele Denmark Mobil A/S 238-01 7/92 + 45 8020 2020
GSM900/1800 Dansk Mobiltelefon/Sonofon 238-02 7/92 + 45 8020 2100
NMT450 Tele Denmark Mobil A/S 9/81
NMT900 Tele Denmark Mobil A/S 12/86

Djibouti 900-GSM 1996

Dominica 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Dominica

Dominican Republic 800-AMPS All Americas Cable & Radio 1989
800-AMPS Codetel (millicom) 3/87

Ecuador 800-(D)AMPS/TDMA BellSouth -Otecel (McCaw) 7/94
800-AMPS Portacel - Conecel 1994

Egypt GSM900 Click GSM - MisrPhone (AirTouch & Vodafone) 602-02 11/98
GSM900 ECMS-MobiNil 602-01 10/96

El Salvador 800-AMPS being tendered
800-AMPS/DAMPS Telemovil El Salvador(Millicom) 1/93

Estonia GSM900 EMT GSM - Eesti Mobiil Telefon 248-01 1/95 + 372 6 397130
GSM900 Q GSM - Ritabell AS 248-03 9/96
GSM900 Radiolinga Eesti A/S 248-02 1/95 + 372 6 399966
NMT450/900 Eesti Mobiil Telefon 3/91

Ethiopia GSM900 ETMTN 636-01 4/99

Faeroes GSM900 Faroese Telecom 10/98
NMT450 Telefonwerk Foroya Lodtings 1/89
NMT900 Telefonwerk Foroya Lodtings 1/92

Fiji GSM900 Vodafone (Fiji) 542-01 7/94 + 679 312000

Finland GSM1800 FINNET 244-09 4/97 + 358 800 94000
GSM1800 Telia Ltd. 244-03 1/97 + 358 800 41 1041
GSM900 Alands Mobiltelefon 244-05 2/93
GSM900/1800 Oy Radiolinja 244-05 12/91 + 358 800 95050
GSM900/1800 Telecom Finland / Sonera 244-91 6/92 + 358 800 17000
NMT450/900 Telecom Finland / Sonera 12/81

France GSM1800 (DCS) Bouygues Telecom (US West) 208-20 1/96
GSM900 Ligne SFR (SBC, BellSouth) 208 10 4/93 + 33 1 44 16 20 16
GSM900/1800 Itineris / France Telecom 208-01 6/92 + 33 1 44 62 14 81
NMT450 Ligne SFR (SBC, BellSouth) 4/89 + 33 1 44 16 20 16
RC2000 France Telecom 11/85

Gabon AMPS800 PTT 1986
GSM900 Office des Postes et Telecommunications 1/99

Gambia 900-TACS Gamtel

Georgia AMPS800 MegaCom 7/94
GSM900 Geocell 282-01 12/96
GSM900 Magti GSM 282-02 9/97

Germany CNETZ450 (C-Tel) T-Mobil 5/86 + 49 130 800161
GSM1800 (DCS) E2 - Viag Interkom 262-07 10/98 + 49 179 55 222
GSM1800 (DCS) E-Plus Mobilfunk 262-03 5/94 + 49 177 1000
GSM900 D2 PRIVAT - Mannesman Mobilfunk GmbH 262-02 6/92 + 49 172 1212
GSM900 T-Mobil (D1) - DeTe Mobil GmbH 262-01 7/92 + 49 511 288 0171

Ghana AMPS800 CelTel Ghana 1/94
GSM900 ScanCom Ltd. 620-01 11/96
TACS900 Millicom Ghana (Millicom) 5/92

Gibraltar GSM900 Gibtel 266-01 1/95 + 350 58 102 000

Greece GSM1800 Cosmote 202-01 1/98 + 30 1 680 8950
GSM900 Panafon 202-05 7/93 + 30 94 400 122
GSM900 TeleSTET-Hellas (Nynex) 202-10 7/93 + 30 93 333 333

Greenland GSM900 TeleGreenland 12/98
NMT900 TeleGreenland 11/92

Grenada 800-AMPS Grentel 1/90

Guadeloupe 800-AMPS France Anguilles Boatphone 7/91

Guam 800-AMPS/TDMA GTA Cellular 1992

Guatemala 800-AMPS Tendered 1995
800-NAMPS Comcel (Millicom) 1990

Guinea 800-AMPS Spacetel Guinee 1995
800-AMPS Telecel Guinee SARL 1993
GSM900 Int'l Wireless 611
GSM900 LAGUI - Sotelgui 611-02 12/97
GSM900 Spacetel Guinee 611 9/97
GSM900 Telecel Guinee SARL 10/99

Guyana 800-AMPS GTT 1992

Haiti 800-AMPS Cellular Communications Int'l 1997

Honduras 800-AMPS Inversiones Rocafuerte S.A. 1996

Hungary GSM900 Pannon GSM 216-01 3/94 + 36 1 270 4120
GSM900 Westel 900 (US West) 216-30 4/94 + 36 30 303 100
NMT450 Westel 450 Radiotelephone 10/90
TACS900 Contel Hungaria

Iceland GSM900 Landssiminn - PTT & Simi 274-01 8/94 + 354 800 6330
GSM900 TAL hf. 274-02 4/98
NMT450 PTT 7/86

India GSM900 AT&T-Birla AT&T Communications 9/96
GSM900 BPL Mobile (USWest) 404-21/27 10/96
GSM900 Escotel Mobile Communications 404-12 10/96
GSM900 ESSAR CELLPHONE - Aircell Digilink 404-15 6/97 + 91 11 098110
GSM900 JT Mobile 10/96
GSM900 Koshika Telecom 8/96
GSM900 Mobilenet 404-31
GSM900 MODICOM - Modi Telstra 404-14 9/95
GSM900 Oasis Cellular - Hexacom India 12/96
GSM900 Reliance Telecom - NYNEX 9/96
GSM900 Spice Telecom - ModiCom Network Private 5/97
GSM900 Sterling Cellular 404-11 1995
Andhra Pradesh GSM900 Tata Communications-Bell Canada 404-07 9/96 + 91 040 21199
Bombay GSM900 Hutchison Maxtouch 404-20 11/95
Calcutta GSM900 Command - Usha Martin Telecom 404-30 7/95
Dehli GSM900 Airtel - Bharti Cellular 404-10 9/95 + 91 10 012345
Gujarat Circle GSM900 Fascel Ltd. 9/96
Himachai Pradesh GSM900 Bharti Telenet Ltd 9/96
Madhya Pradesh GSM900 Cellular Communications India 9/96
Madras GSM900 RPG Cellular 404-41
Madras GSM900 Skycell Communications 404-40 10/95 + 91 44 8222939
Punjab Circle GSM900 Evergrowth Telecom 12/96
Tamilandu Circle GSM900 AIRCELL - Srinivas Cellcom 2/99

Indonesia AMPS800 Permutel PT Centralindo 8/91
AMPS800 Permutel PT Electrindo 11/91
AMPS800 PT Telekomindo Prima Bhakti 1/96
ETDMA900 PT Ratelindo 1995
GSM900 PT Excelcomindo 510-11 6/96 + 62 21 5759818
GSM900 PT Satelindo 510-01 11/94 + 62 21 5438 8888
GSM900 PT Telkomsel 510-10 9/94 + 62 21 8282811
NAMPS800 PT Metro Seluler Nusantara
NMT450 Permutel 4/86
NMT450 PT Mobile Selular Indonesia 4/86

Iran GSM900 Celcom
GSM900 Kish Free Zone 3/95
GSM900 Telecom Company of Iran 432-11 6/94 + 98 2 18706341

Iraq GSM900 Iraq Telecom 418-??

Ireland - Eire GSM900 Esat Digifone 272-02 3/97 + 353 61 203 501
GSM900 Telecomm Eireann/Eircell 272-01 6/93 + 353 42 38888
GSM900/1800 Meteor 12/99
TACS900 Telecomm Eireann/Eircell 12/85

Israel AMPS/CDMA800 Pelephone Cellular - Motorola + Bezek 3/86
DAMPS/TDMA800 CelCom Israel (BellSouth) 12/94
GSM900 Orange - Partner Communications 425-01 10/98 +9723 905 4054

Italy ETACS900 TIM S.p.A. 4/90
GSM Blutel
GSM900/1800 Omnitel-Pronto Italia 222-10 9/95 + 39 349 2000 190
GSM900/1800 TIM S.p.A. 222-01 4/95 + 39 339 9119
GSM900/1800 Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA 222-88 3/99

Ivory Coast AMPS800 Comstar Cellular & Citelcom 8/94
GSM900 Comstar Cellular 612-01 3/96 + 225 21 51 51
GSM900 Ivoiris - Societe Ivoirenne de Mobiles 612-03 10/96
GSM900 Loteny Telecom 612-05 10/96 + 225 32 32 32

Jamaica 800-AMPS Telecom Jamaica 8/91

Japan 1500/800-PDC NTT DoCoMo 3/94
1500-PDC various providers 94/'96
1-NTT NTT DoCoMo 12/79
2-NTT Nippon Idou Tsushin 12/88
3-JTACS Daini Denden 4/89
4-JTACS Nippon Idou Tsushin 10/91
800-PDC various providers 1994
PHS Astel group 9/95
PHS DDI pocket group 7/95
PHS NTT personal group 7/95

Jordan GSM900 Fastlink - JMTS 416-01 9/95 +962 6551 2010

Kazakhstan AMPS800 Kazakhstan Wireless/Tolkyn (Belle Mead) 10/93
GSM900 K'Cell - GSM Kazakhstan Ltd 2/99
GSM900 K-Mobile - Kar-Tel Ltd 2/99
NAMPS900 BECET (Millicom) 1994

Kenya ETACS900 KPTC 1993
GSM900 KPTC 4/96

Kirghizstan GSM900 Bitel Ltd 437-01 9/98

Korea South 800-AMPS SK Telecom 4/84
CDMA Shinsegi Mobile Telecom 4/96
CDMA SK Telecom 3/96

Kuwait ETACS900 Kuwait MTSC 12/91
GSM900 MTCNet - Mobile Telecoms Co. 419-02 11/94 + 965 484 2000
GSM900/1800 National Mobile Comm Company 10/99

Laos AMPS800 Lao PTT 1/93
GSM900 Lao Shinawatra Telecom 457-01 12/94

Latvia GSM900 Baltcom GSM 247-02 3/97
GSM900 LMT GSM 247-01 1/95 +371 8000076
NMT450 LMT 8/91

Lebanon 800-AMPS Spacetel 7/91
900-GSM FTML Cellis 415-01 5/95 + 961 3 391 111
900-GSM LibanCell SAL 415-03 5/95 +961 3 8000 111

Lesotho GSM900 Vodacom Lesotho Pty. 651-01 6/96

Liberia GSM900 Omega Communications Inc 12/99

Libya GSM900 El Madar Telecomm Company 11/96

Liechtenstein GSM Natel-D 228-01 +41 460 56464

Lithuania GSM tele2
GSM900 OmniTEL 246-01 3/95 +370 2 22 0007
GSM900 UAB Bite GSM 246-02 9/95 + 370 2 232323
NMT450 UAB Comliet (Millicom) 3/92
NMT900 UAB Comliet (Millicom) 1994

Luxembourg GSM900/1800 LUXGSM - Luxembourg PTT 270-01 6/93 + 352 4088 7088
GSM900/1800 Tango (Millicom Luxembourg) 270-77 1997
NMT450 Luxembourg PTT 6/85

Macedonia GSM900 MobiMak - Macedonian Telecommunications AD 294-01 10/96

Madagascar AMPS800 TELECEL (Afrex International) 7/94
GSM900 Antaris - SMM 646-02 3/98
GSM900 Madacom 646-01 8/97 + 261 2022 66055
GSM900 Sacel Madagascar 646-03 6/97

Malawi GSM900 CALLPOINT 900 - Telecom Networks Malawi 650-01 12/95

Malaysia DAMPS/TDMA800 Mobikom, TMTouch 502-18 5/94
ETACS900 ART900, Cellular Communications Network 502-10 8/89
GSM My BSB 502-02
GSM1800 (DCS) ADAM, TimeWireless Sendirian Berhad 502-17 6/95
GSM1800 (DCS) DiGi1800,Telecommunications Sendirian Berhad 502-16 5/95
GSM1800 (DCS) TMTouch, Telekom Malaysia Berhad 502-13 6/95
GSM900 Celcom, Cellular Comm. Network (TRI Sdn Bhd) 502-19 3/95 +60 19 3000 902
GSM900 Maxis Mobile (Binariang Sdn Bhd) 502-12 8/95 +603 582 2123
NMT450 Atur450, TMTouch, Telekom Malaysia Berhad 502-11 1/85

Malta EATCS900 Vodafone Malta Limited 7/90
GSM Advanced 278-??
GSM900 Vodafone Malta Limited 278-01 4/97 +356 491 231

Martinique 800-AMPS France Antilles Boatphone 7/91

Mauritius ETACS900 Emtel/Currimjee Jeewanjee (Millicom) 6/89
GSM900 Mauritius Telecom (CellPlus) 617-01 1/96 + 230 4335100

Mexico 800-AMPS Celular de Telefonia 11/90
800-AMPS Comunicaciones Celular de Occidente 8/90
800-AMPS Movitel del Noroeste 11/90
800-AMPS Sistemas Telefonica Portatiles Celulares 1990
800-AMPS Telcel 10/89
800-AMPS Telecomunicaciones de Golfo 1990
Mexico, Baja California 800-AMPS Baja Celular Mexicana (Mot./Gen. Cellular 11/90
North-Central 800-AMPS NorCell - Telefonia Celular del Norte 11/90
Sonora and Sinaloa 800-AMPS Movitel
south-east 800-AMPS Portatel del Sureste 1990
SW & Gulf and centre 800-AMPS/TDMA Iusacell (Bell Atlantic) 11/89

Moldova GSM900 VoXtel S.A. 10/98 +359 88 500 041

Monaco GSM900 Office des Telephone de Monaco 2/94
GSM900 SFR 208-10 + 33 1 44 16 20 16
GSM900/1800 France Telecom 208-01 + 33 1 44 62 14 81

Mongolia GSM900 MobiCom 3/96

Montserrat 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular 12/92

Morocco GSM900 IAM - National PTT (O.N.P.T.) 604-01 4/94 + 212 726 26 26
NMT450 National PTT 1989

Mozambique GSM900 mCel - Telecomunicacoes de Mocambique 634-01

Myanmar 800-DAMPS Myanmar P&T 11/95

Namibia GSM900 Mobile Telecommunications Co. Ltd. 649-01 4/95 + 264 81 120120

Nauru 800-AMPS 8/94

Nepal GSM900 Nepal Telecommunications Corp 5/99

Netherland Antilles 800-AMPS East Caribbean Cellular 1988

Netherlands GSM1800 Ben Netherlands B.V 204-16 2/99
GSM1800 Dutchtone NV 204 20 1/99
GSM1800 Telfort Holding NV 204-12 9/98
GSM900 KPN Telecom 204-08 7/94 + 31 6 0106
GSM900/1800 Libertel 204-04 9/95 + 31 6 54 500100

New Caledonia GSM900 OPT Mobilis 546-01 12/95

New Zealand AMPS/TDMA800 NZ Telecom Mobile 8/87
GSM900 Telstra planned
GSM900 Vodafone (NZ) ltd. 530-01 7/93 + 64 9 357 5100

Nicaragua 800-AMPS NicaCell (Motorola) 4/93
800-AMPS Teleglobo

Nigeria ETACS800 MTS (Mobile Telecom Services) 11/92
GSM900 Communications investments Ltd
GSM900 Motophone Limited 8/99

Northern Mariana Islands 800-AMPS 11/91

Norway GSM900 Net Com GSM A/S 242-02 9/93 + 47 92 00 01 68
GSM900 Tele-Mobil 242-01 5/93 + 47 22 78 15 00
NMT450 Tele-Mobil 7/81
NMT900 Tele-Mobil 12/86

Oman GSM900 Oman Mobile 422-02 11/96
NMT450 General Telecom Organization 5/85

Pakistan AMPS800 Instaphone, Pakcom Ltd. (Millicom) 12/90
AMPS800 Paktel (Cable & Wireless) 11/90
GSM900 Mobilink (Motorola & IWC) Pakistan Mobile 410-01 8/94 + 92 51 273971-7

Palestine West Bank / Gaza GSM900 Palestine Telecoms 9/99

Panama 800-DAMPS/TDMA-A BellSouth 7/96
800-DAMPS-B Intel S.A.

Papua New Guinea GSM900 Pacific Mobile Communications 310-01 9/99

Paraguay AMPS800 Antelco 1996
AMPS800 Telefonica Celular del Paraguay 8/92
GSM1900 COPESA S.A. 10/99
GSM1900 VOX - Hola Paraguay S.A. 5/99

Peru 800-(N)AMPS/CDMA Telefónica del Perú (Motorola) 7/91
800-AMPS/TDMA Tele2000 4/90

Philippines ETACS900 Smart Information Technologies 2/94
GSM900 Globe Telecom 515-02 10/94 + 63 2 813 7720
GSM900 Isla Communications 515-01 7/94 + 63 2 813 8618
GSM900/1800 Smart Information Technologies 515-03 4/99
NAMPS800 Express Telecommunications (Millicom) 2/92
NAMPS800 Pilipino Telecommunications 3/91

Poland GSM1800 IDEA Centertel 260-03 3/98
GSM900 ERA GSM, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (DeTeMobil,US W) 260-02 9/96 +48 22 576 6996
GSM900 Plus GSM, Polkomtel (Air Touch,TeleDanmark) 260-01 10/96 + 48 22 607 16 01
NMT450 Centertel (France Telecom) 6/92

Portugal CNETZ450 Telecomunicacoes Moveis Nacionais 1/89
GSM900/1800 Optimus 268-03 8/98
GSM900/1800 TELECEL (AirTouch) 268-01 10/92 + 351 931 1212
GSM900/1800 Telecomunicacoes Moveis Nacionais 268-06 10/92 + 351 1 791 4474

Qatar GSM900 Qatarnet - Q-Tel 427-01 2/93 +974 360023
MATS Q-Tel 1982

Reunion GSM900 Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone 647-10

Romania GSM900 Connex GSM (MobiFon S.A.) 226-01 4/97 + 40013022222
GSM900 Dialog (MobilRom S.A.) 226-10 6/97 + 40012033333
LEMS450 SunTel (Telefonica Romania) 5/99
NMT450 Telemobil (Telefonica Romania) 4/93

Russia GSM Beeline 250 + 7 095 258 8888
GSM Extel 250-28 + 7 0112 5530 60
GSM900 BM Telecom 250-07 8/98
GSM900 Don Telecom 250-10
GSM900 Ermak RMS
GSM900 Far Eastern Cell 250-12 6/98
GSM900 FECS-900 - Far-Eastern Cellular Sustems 250-12 8/98
GSM900 Kuban GSM JSC 250-13 12/97
GSM900 Mobile Comms System 6/98
GSM900 Mobile Telesystems 250-01 7/94 + 7 095 915-7734
GSM900 NCC 6/98
GSM900 StavTeleSot 250-44 12/97
GSM900 Tambovskaya Electrosuyaz 9/97
GSM900 Tatar-American Investments and Finance 3/99
GSM900 Yeniseitelecom 4/99
GSM900 Zao "Smarts" 250-07 6/97
GSM900 / 1800 KB Impuls 250-99 7/97
Kaliningrad GSM900 Extel Mobile Com. System 4/98
Kaliningrad NMT450 Kaliningrad Mobile Networks 1/94
Moscow AMPS800 United Telecom Far East
Moscow AMPS800 Various Providers 94/'95
Moscow AMPS800 Vostok
Moscow DAMPS800 VimpelCom
Moscow GSM United Telecom Moscow 250-??
Moscow NMT450 Moscow Cellular (US West, Millicom) 12/91
Moscow NMT450 Telecom Finland 1994
Moscow NMT450 various providers 94/'95
Siberia GSM900 SCS Siberian Cellular Systems 900 250-05
St.Petersb. CDMA800 Various providers 1997
St.Petersb. DAMPS800 Various Providers 1996
St.Petersb. GSM900 Gorivont-RT 1994?
St.Petersb. GSM900 North-West GSM 250-02 1/95 + 7 812 528 4747
St.Petersb. GSM900 Russkaya Telefinnaya Kompaniya 1994?
St.Petersb. GSM900 U S West 1993?
St.Petersb. NAMPS800 St. Petersburg Telecom 1995
St.Petersb. NMT450 Delta Telecom (US West) 6/91
St.Petersb. TDMA800 Orensot 1994
Sverdlovsk Region GSM900 / 1800 Uratel (MCTR, Rostelecom, & other local) 250-39 7/97
Tatarstan ETDMA800

Rwanda GSM900 Rwandacell 12/98

San Marino 900-GSM Omnitel 222-10 + 39 349 2000 190
900-GSM Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM S.A.) 222-01 + 39 339 9119
GSM Wind

Saudi Arabia GSM900 Al Jawal Saudi Telecom 420-01 1/96
GSM900 EAE AlJawwal 420-07 1/96
NMT450 Al Jawal Saudi Telecom 8/81

Senegal AMPS800 Sonatel 1998
GSM900 Alize - Sonatel 608-01 7/96
GSM900 SENTELgsm 4/99
RC2000 Sonatel 4/92

Seychelles GSM900 Airtel 633-10 12/98
GSM900 Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. 633-01 11/95

Singapore AMPS800 Singapore Telecom 8/88
ETACS900 Singapore Telecom 8/91
GSM1800 M1-GSM - MobileOne 525-03 4/97 +65 9680 1627
GSM1800 StarHub Pte Ltd 4/2000
GSM900/1800 ST-GSM - Singapore Telecom 525-01 3/94 +65 738 0123
NMT450 Singapore Telecom 12/95

Slovakia GSM900 Eurotel GSM 231-02 2/97 + 421 903 903 903
GSM900 GLOBTEL GSM 231-01 1/97 + 421 905 905 905
NMT450 Eurotel 10/91

Slovenia GSM900 Mobitel GSM 293-41 6/96 + 386 61 131 30 33
GSM900 SI.MOBIL 293-?? 3/99
NMT450 Mobitel 10/90

Solomon Islands 800-AMPS (A band) Cable & Wireless

Somalia 450-CNETZ ?/96
800-AMPS (B band) BTELCO (Dubai U.A.E.) ?/96

South Africa C-Netz450 Vodacom 5/86
GSM900 Mobile Telephone Network 655-10 6/94 + 27 11 445 6001
GSM900 Vodacom 655-01 6/94 + 27 82 111

Spain GSM1800 AMENA - Retevision Movil S.A. 214-03 1/99
GSM900/1800 Airtel (AirTouch) 214-01 10/95 + 34 07 123000
GSM900/1800 Movistar - Telefonica Moviles 214-07 7/95 + 34 09 100909
NMT450 Telefonica 6/82
TACS900 Telefonica 4/90

Sri Lanka AMPS800 Mobitel 4/93
ETACS900 Celltel Lanka (Millicom) 7/89
ETACS900 Lanka Cellular Service 1993
GSM900 MTN Networks (Dialog) 413-02 3/95 +94 1 678 678

St Kitts-Nevis 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular Ltd 1989

St Lucia 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular Ltd 12/90

St Maarten Dutch West indies 800-TDMA St.Maarten Telephone company IS-136 9/98 5995-27601
Barthe 800-AMPS St. Martin Mobiles 9/91

St Vincent and Grenadines 800-AMPS Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular Ltd 12/90

Sudan GSM900 Daewoo & Sudatel (Mobitel) 634-01 1/97

Suriname 800-AMPS/TDMA Telesur 1993
Paramaribo GSM900 ICMS 746 01

Swaziland GSM900 Swazi MTN Ltd 11/98

Sweden GSM900 Europolitan Holdings (AirTouch, Vodafone) 240-08 9/92 + 46 708 22 22 22
GSM900/1800 Comviq (Millicom) 240-07 9/92 + 46 586 686 10
GSM900/1800 Telia Mobile 240-01 11/92 + 46 771 91 03 50
NMT450 Telia Mobitel 6/81
NMT900 Telia Mobitel 12/86

Switzerland GSM1800 Orange Communications 6/99
GSM900/1800 diAx mobile 228-02 12/99
GSM900/1800 (DCS) Swiss GSM - Swisscom AG 228-01 3/93 + 41 46 05 64 64
NMT900 Swisscom AG 9/87

Syria GSM900 Mobile Syria 417-09 11/99

Tahiti - French Polynesia GSM900 VINI - Tikiphone 547-20 6/95

Taiwan AMPS800 Chunghwa Telecom LDM 5/89
GSM1800 KG Telecom 466-88 12/97 + 886 938 348404
GSM1800 Pacific GSM - Taiwan Cellular Corp Ltd 466-97 12/97
GSM1800 TUNTEX Telecom 466-06 12/97 + 886 938 749104
GSM900 LDTA GSM - Chunghwa Telecom LDM 466-92 7/95 + 886 932 400821
GSM900 MobiTai 466-93 12/97 + 886 931 413131
GSM900 TransAsia Telecoms 466-99 1/98
GSM900/1800 Far EasTone Telecoms 466-01 1/98 + 886 931 000099

Tajikistan AMPS800 Tajik-Tel (NECS) 6/95
Leninabad Region GSM Somoncom - MCTR 3/00

Tanzania GSM900 Tritel 640-01 12/95
GSM900 Zanzibar Telecom 6/99
TACS900 MIC Tanzania (Millicom) 10/94

Thailand AMPS800 Communications Authority of Thailand 3/87
GSM1800 HELLO - Digital Phone Company 520-23 5/98
GSM1800 WCS 520-10 6/97
GSM1800 DCS Total Access Communications - Worldphone 520-18 11/94
GSM900 Advanced Information Services 520-01 10/94 + 66 2 299 6440
NAMPS800 Total Access Communications System 9/91
NMT450 Telephone Organization of Thailand 7/86
NMT900 Advanced Information Services 9/90

Togo GSM900 Togo Cell 9/97

Trinidad & Tobago 800-AMPS TSTT 12/91

Tunisia GSM900 Tunisie Telecom 605 02 3/98
NMT450 Ministry of Communications 4/85

Turkey GSM900 Telsim Mobil 286-02 5/94 + 90 212 288 7850
GSM900 Turkcell 286-01 3/94 + 90 800 211 0211
NMT450 Turkish Telecom 10/86

Turkmenistan 800-AMPS 1994

Turks & Caicos Islands Cable & Wireless

UAE ETACS900 Estisalat 5/89
GSM900 Estisalat 424-01/02 9/94 + 971 4004 101

Uganda GSM900 Clovergem Celtel Ltd. 641-01 12/94
GSM900 MTN-Uganda 641-10 10/98

Ukraine DAMPS800 Digital Cellular Communications end-96
DAMPS800 Telecel end-96
GSM1800 Golden Telecom 255-05 12/96
GSM900 Kyivstar JSC / Bridge 255-03 9/97
GSM900 Ukrainian Mobile Communications 255-01 8/96
GSM900 WellCOM - Ukraine Radio Systems 255-02 10/98
NMT450 Ukrainian Mobile Communications 7/93

United Kingdom ETACS900 Cellnet 1/85 + 44 753 504548
ETACS900 Vodafone 12/87 + 44 836 1191
GSM1800-DCS One2One 234-30 9/93 + 44 7958 121121
GSM1800-DCS Orange 234-33 4/94 + 44 973 100150
GSM900 Vodafone 234-15 7/92 + 44 836 1191
GSM900/1800 BT Cellnet 234-10 7/94 + 44 753 504548
Guernsey GSM900 Guernsey Telecom 234-55 3/96 +44 1481 700 800
Isle of Man GSM900 PRONTO GSM - Manx Telecom 234-58 3/96 + 44 1624 636613
Jersey GSM900 Jersey Telecom GSM 234-50 12/94 + 44 1534 882 512

Uruguay 800-AMPS Abiatar (BellSouth, Motorola) 11/91
800-AMPS Antel (Miniphone) 10/94

USA AMPS800 Multiple carriers 10/83
AMPS800 / TDMA Multiple carriers 1993
GSM Satellite Iridium LLC 11/98
GSM1900 (PCS) Aerial Communications Inc. 310-31 4/97 +1 888 223 7425
GSM1900 (PCS) Carolina PCS I Limited Partnership 9/99
GSM1900 (PCS) Comms Venture Corp. 12/97
GSM1900 (PCS) Einstein PCS - Airadigm Comms
GSM1900 (PCS) NPI Wireless 680 38 10/97
GSM1900 (PCS) Omnipoint Corporation 310-16 11/96 +1 888 OMNI 611
GSM1900 (PCS) Pinpoint PCS - Cambridge Telephone Company 310 xx 7/99
GSM1900 (PCS) Powertel, Inc. 310-27 10/96 +1 904 371 5141
GSM1900 (PCS) Southeast Telephone Inc. 7/97
GSM1900 (PCS) Sprint Spectrum 310-02 11/95
GSM1900 (PCS) Third Kentucky Cellular - Wireless 2000 310-11 6/97
GSM1900 (PCS) VoiceStream - Western Wireless Corp. 310-26 1/96 +1 206 313 5200
GSM1900(PCS) Airadign Communications 4/97
GSM1900(PCS) Airlink PCS - Message Express 9/99
GSM1900(PCS) Comtel PCS Mainstreet Ltd Prtnrship
GSM1900(PCS) Cook Inlet Western Wireless PV/SS PCS 6/97
GSM1900(PCS) DigiPH 310 xx 12/97
GSM1900(PCS) Iowa Wireless Services LP 310 77 10/98
GSM1900(PCS) Panhandle Telecommunications System Inc 8/98
GSM1900(PCS) PCN - Personal Comms Network 4/99
GSM1900(PCS) Wireless Telecomunications Company 1/98
California, Nevada GSM1900 (PCS) SBC Com - Pacific Bell Mobile Services 310-17 10/96 +1 800 393 7627
Knoxville GSM1900 (PCS) Bellsouth Mobility DCS 310-15 7/96 +1 888 327 1900
Lancaster GSM1900 (PCS) PCS One Inc. 5/97
Pottsville, PA GSM1900 (PCS) Conestoga Wireless Co. 1/98
Washington-Baltimore GSM1900(PCS) American Personal Comm. 11/95 +1 703 707 3570

Uzbekistan 450-NMT Uzdunrobita 10/92
800-AMPS/800/TDMA Uzdunrobita 6/94
800-DAMPS Uzbekistan Digital Network 8/96
GSM900 Buztel 434 01 3/97 + 7 3712 320 648
GSM900 Coscom 434-05 4/97
GSM900 Daewoo GSM 434-04 9/97
GSM900 Uzmacom 11/96

Venezuela 800-AMPS/TDMA Movilnet (GTE) IS-136 10/88
800-NAMPS/CDMA TELCEL (BellSouth) 1991
GSM900 Consorcio Elca C.A. 6/2000
GSM900 Corporacion Digitel 3/99
GSM900 Infonet 734-01 6/97

Vietnam DAMPS800 Saigon Mobile Telephone (SingTel) 5/92
GSM900 Mobifone 452 01 4/94
GSM900 Vinaphone 452 02 6/96

Virgin Islands 800-AMPS Caribbean Cellular Boatphone 12/86

Western Samoa 800-AMPS Ahsamu

Yemen 900-TACS Cable & Wireless 5/92
U-TACS Tele Yemen 1992

Yugoslavia GSM900 MOBTEL 220-01 10/96 + 381 11 138608
GSM900 Telecom Srbija 220-03 8/98 + 381 11 9820
Montenegro GSM900 ProMonte GSM 220-02 7/96 + 381 81 9898

Zambia AMPS800 Zamtel 1995
CDMA Telecel - Zaire end96
GSM900 Telecel (Zambia) Ltd 5/99
GSM900 Zamcell (Zambia/0 Limited 12/98

Zimbabwe GSM900 Econet Cellular 7/98
GSM900 NET*ONE 648-01 10/96
GSM900 PTC Telecel Zimbabwe 648-04 7/98

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