
Country Code 61

Area Codes by Region and State

Central East Region
(New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory)


South East Region
(Victoria & Tasmania)


Digital GSM Mobile phones
(All States)


North East Region


Central & West Region
(South Australia, Northern Territory & Western Australia)


Other Helpful Numbers

Prefix to Block CND (Calling Number Display) 1831
Dial & Hang-up to test ring-back of phone 199
To obtain number of line you are using (Telstra) 19123
To obtain number of line you are using (Optus) 127-312
To obtain number of line you are using (all mobile phones) 018-018-222

Notes about mobile phones in Australia

Digital GSM Mobile phones (area code 4): the Australian GSM mobile standard is GSM-900, almost the same as GSM-1900 (PCS-1900) as used in North America.   North American PCS-1900 phones will not roam yet in Australia, but a PCS-1900 SIM card could be used in a GSM-900 phone when roaming agreements exist (coming soon).  Dual band GSM-900/PCS-1900 handsets have recently been announced & will allow full automatic roaming with U.S. PCS-1900 networks.   Hopefully these dual-band GSM (or Tri-Band GSM900/DCS1800/PCS1900) handsets will be the norm in time for the Sydney 2000 Olympics!

Telstra has phased out its AMPS-800 analog network in all major cities and replaced it with a CDMA-800 network.  Very limited AMPS coverage may still be available in remote areas.

Here's a list of the mobile networks active in Australia:

GSM-900  Cable & Wireless/Optus (Australia Wide)
Telstra (Australia Wide)
Vodafone (Australia Wide)
GSM-1800  One-Tel (Some Major Cities Only)
CDMA-800  Telstra (Australia Wide)
Orange/Hutchison (Some Capital Cities Only)
AMPS-800 (Closed Down - coverage still exists only In some remote areas)

GSM roaming agreements now exist between Australian and USA carriers for those with Dual-Band 900/1900 or Tri-Band 900/1800/1900 handsets, or USA SIM cards could be used in GSM-900 handsets.

You might also check out the web site for the Australia Communications Authority,
responsible for administration of Australia's telecommunications policies.

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